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Our God Will Go Before Us (Live from Singapore)

Songwriters: Keith Getty, Matt Boswell , Matt Papa

Performed by: Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa View full album
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Our God Will Go Before Us (Live from Singapore)

Performed by: Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa



Performed by: Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa

Our God Will Go Before Us (Live from Singapore)
Song Lyrics

Our God will go before us
And guide us by His presence
What confidence this promise is
We will never walk alone

Through unknown paths, through shadows
Our hearts fear not tomorrow
For every step His faithfulness
Is the truth that lights our way

Our God will go before us
The Lord of Hosts is with us
O praise the One who leads us on
For His grace will bring us home

Though evil forms against us
All heaven will defend us
The gates of hell shall not prevail
For the battle is the Lord’s


Now send us with Your presence
And lead us on to heaven
Where songs of sorrow strain no more
And our every breath is praise
O let our every breath be praise


For His grace will bring us home

Song Story

Many years ago I was having coffee with a church planter. As we ended the meeting I asked how I might pray for him and the work to which God had called him. He simply said, “Pray that God would go with us.” That brief answer, with all of its trust and dependence on the Lord, sank into my heart.

My friend’s prayer request echoed Exodus 33:15. At a pivotal moment in the Exodus narrative, Moses asks of the Lord, “If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.” Moses was saying that if he had the blessings of the promised land and all its comforts, yet the presence of the Lord was not with him, it would be meaningless. God’s nearness is what mattered most.

Ever since we began to plant The Trails Church in Celina, Texas in 2018, I had hoped to write a song on this theme. We have prayed continually that God would go before us. That we might sense the leading of the Lord in all of our planning and praying. That we might value his nearness and communion with Christ above anything else. We’ve prayed that the Lord would go with us and empower the mission to which he called the church in making disciples for his glory.

All of those prayers have found a place in the hymn “Our God Will Go Before Us.” We have found it a wonderful song to close the Sunday service, as a reminder that when we go out from the church gathering, it is the Lord who leads our way. And as we look ahead to the place “where songs of sorrow strain no more and our every breath is praise,” it is the Lord who will bring us safely to that forever home.

As the Lord Jesus himself promises in Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

-Matt Boswell

Song Information
Artists: Keith & Kristyn Getty, Matt Papa
Scripture References: 1 Samuel 17:47, 2 Chronicles 20:15, Deuteronomy 31:8, Exodus 33:15, Joshua 1:9, Matthew 16:18, Matthew 28:20, Psalm 46:7, Revelation 21:4
Liturgical Themes: Assurance of Salvation, Death & Eternity, Doxology & Benediction
Songwriter: Keith Getty, Matt Boswell , Matt Papa
Publication Date: March 22, 2024
Language: English
Copyright: ©2023 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Messenger Hymns (BMI) / Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) / Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP) / Admin. by
CCLI: 7073332

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